Sunday Nights at Peninsula

Equip Sunday Nights is designed to be a time of equipping for the whole family with classes available for all ages. 

Regular Schedule:

  • Adults, elementary, and preschoolers will meet from 5:00 - 6:30pm.
    • This year, preschool & elementary children will go directly to their rooms for drop-off. As a part of our revised schedule, we will serve the kids pizza each week for dinner in their classrooms.  
  • Youth will meet from 5:00 - 7:00pm with a meal in the Youth Center each week. 

Adults will be diving into a series titled Tough Text - a look at tough scripture that is sometimes confusing or misunderstood. We will meet in the fellowship with light refreshments provided.

Youth will meet together for dinner, then split into age groups for small group time, games, and teaching.

Elementary and Preschool ages birth - 5th grade will be participating in Awana during our Sunday Night Equip time. Parents are asked to stay on campus and either serve or attend the adult Equip classes. To help cover expenses for Awana, there is a one-time fee of $25 per child with a $5 discount for siblings. (This fee will not be charged for birth-2's class.)  You can register to participate in Awana HERE.

Winter/Spring Schedule:

No Equip on 3/3, or 3/31

Final Equip Sunday Night 5/5